How well do you know Hayley Leblanc

1: What type of hospital was Hayley born in

2: What toy at Annie's did Hayley and Caleb brake

3: What animal did Hayley get when Bratayley reached 4million

4: How many stitches did Hayley get and where

5: What ages did Hayley quit gym the start back up

6: What does Hayley want to do with her hair

7: Where did Hayley go for her 7th birthday

8: What does Hayley want to be when she grows up

9: How old was Hayley when she went on a plane for the first time

10: Hayley sang on a stage infront of a audience before Annie did

11: What would Hayley want to be called if she wasn't called Hayley

12: Was Hayley the last person in the family to celebrate Calebs birthday